TMF Brochure

TMF brochure

Texas Methodist Foundation Brochure


Texas Methodist Foundation

Project Location

Austin, Texas

Print Specifications

12 page self-cover, saddle-stitched book
Printed offset on the Komori LS-40 Perfector + Coater

Printed on 8pt Topcote Dull Cover, 4 color process with soft-touch aqueous to achieve a soft, tactile effect.

Capacity Pocket Folder:

Printed on the Komori LS-40 Perfector + Coater

Printed on 130# Topcote Dull Cover, 4 color process with soft-touch aqueous to achieve a soft, tactile effect.

It was then die cut and converted into a capacity pocket folder to hold the brochure.

TMF brochures
TMF Borchure horizontal
TMF binding